A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that, "Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.
~ King Baldwin IV [Kingdom of Heaven (2005)]

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vote NO on I-1125 - We can't afford more traffic and fewer jobs

Tomorrow is Election 2011 and a very critical initiative is on the ballot which will affect the communities in the Puget Sound/ Seattle, Washington Area for decades... the idiot Eyman is again trying to stop any transportation upgrades for Seattle... he's pushin' I1125 which effectively stops the I520 rebuild and KILLS Light Rail to the Eastside!!! >>> Vote NO on I1125 <<<... let the tolls go ahead to fund the critical highway & rail projects that will fix the horrid traffic problems we face here... 

Be careful peeps on how this Initiative is written. Eyman is very clever to word it in such a way as the average Joe will think he;s voting for something good- like capping tolls... there is a play in words there... It will KILL all road projects... pls read it carefully and study the Initiative online before you vote... know what the real play is here folks... he's a rouge! think about this next time you're stuck in traffic for hours... :(   VOTE NO I1125...

‎"Thumbs Down
Vote NO on I-1125 - We can't afford more traffic and fewer jobs

Tim Eyman is back with another dangerous initiative that would halt major transportation projects across the state and eliminate thousands of jobs just when we need them most.

No I-1125 -1125 would block funding that is critical for hundreds of construction projects, including the 520 bridge, the Columbia River Crossing, and State Routes 167 and 509. Eyman's I-1125 also threatens critical transit projects, including voter-approved light rail to East King County. This initiative would make it nearly impossible for Washington to sell toll-backed bonds, which are a critical part of the funding for transportation projects across the state.

Nearly all the campaign funding for I-1125 has come from one wealthy developer, Kemper Freeman. Freeman has dumped more than $1 million into I-1125 as a last-ditch effort to stop light rail.

More traffic and fewer jobs is not what Washington families are looking for. Vote NO on Initiative 1125.

Opposed by: League of Women Voters, Washington Environmental Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, SEIU WA State Council, Washington Conservation Voters, Cascade Bicycle Club, Sierra Club, OneAmerica Votes, Fuse Washington, The Stranger, Washington State Democrats, various Democratic district organizations, Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Joint Council of Teamsters Local 28, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired Americans, Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans, Cascade Land Conservancy, Futurewise, and many others.
" ~ Progressive Voters Guide 2011

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