A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that, "Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.
~ King Baldwin IV [Kingdom of Heaven (2005)]

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy Seattle to be Evicted for drug & alcohol use

College may boot protesters over sanitation | "Seattle Central Community College officials are looking at ways to evict the protesters from campus... college needs to take action because of unsafe conditions at the encampment, including syringes and needles on the ground, drug and alcohol use, lack of hygiene facilities and other risk factors" | Seattle Times, Friday, November 18, 2011 at 9:58 PM http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2016801374_occupy19m.html
Here is a Reality Check peeps for those who sympathize with the "Occupy Seattle" movement in theory but never experienced the REALITY of what the goes on in those camps and during their GA meetings... I'll say it again- things are NOT what they seem... I've been there as an observer and I've seen it in person during the first 4 weeks of the Westlake occupation and during other later protests in Seattle... these protests are choreographed peeps for media attention! People are picked and instructed in what to do and how to do it by a lawyer and other facilitators... and then they are taped & photographed by the movement's media-team confronting the police... The group also has official "agitators" who are picked to go into the crowd of onlookers with the purpose of creating hysteria and malcontent (I witnessed two of these "agitators" in action- even spoke with them having seen them from the GA meetings- during last Tuesday's media-hyped lame occupation of an intersection near Seattle's Westlake Mall)... It's a carefully planned show! And we're all buying into it... the REALITY of those who comprise the movement and are living in these camps is just being realized by the Seattle Community College... they now want them evicted!!! "Occupy Nothing" is far from what we all hope it would be... be aware...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Occupy Nothing's" death throes from Seattle...

I was late coming home tonight because I stopped by in downtown Seattle, Washington to witness 20 or so "Occupy Nothing" protesters- community college students, street kids, wanna-be hippies & homeless types- block the main street intersection tonight about 7:00 pm PST near the Westlake Mall by standing/sitting in the middle of the street and generally being disruptive to the evening shoppers... The police used bicycles to form a wall and  force them down the road, gave two loud warnings to disperse and then 2 cops pepper-sprayed the crowd for about 15 seconds... total protest time about an hour and after they got sprayed it was over and they went away... In the end they accomplished nothing... all a bit silly if you ask me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupy Nothing... comments on Occupy Seattle & Portland

Comments on the violence with "Occupy Portland" and other locs this weekend... I must state again that although I sympathize with the philosophical intent and plight of some of the protesters (I qualify this because most of the regulars that I have seen in these camps are homeless street-types and undesirables), I must emphatically say that I disagree with their methods... real and long lasting change in America can only occur through involvement with and through the political process itself- the key being the Vote! OK we all probably agree that the current economic situation here needs to change! But raging against the system, legislative apathy, violence and Anarchy are NOT the answers... Have you seen how people live in other parts of the world? It's not perfect here, but we are truly blessed by contrast in America... The answer is to be a responsible citizen... "Occupy the Voting Booth"!   :| 
Here's what bothers me about the Occupy Movement as seen through my personal first-hand experience with the "Occupy Seattle" group... And I realize that there may be differences in the both demographic and idealogical makeup of these "camps" in different regions of the country all which make drawing sweeping generalizations difficult... but it seems to me that there are more similarities than differences in the shared "Occupy" experience that transcends regional boundaries... effective today "Occupy Pacific Northwest"- if I may call it that- effectively died. Less than three weeks ago Occupy Seattle put their tails between their legs and voluntarily de-occupied Westlake Park. And today the police forcibly ran the Occupy Portland out of town... What we have left here now is essentially "Occupy Nothing"! It's over peeps... From a military standpoint, they have failed to hold their ground and- although there may be a few more skirmishes- the battlefield is lost... at least in this part of the country. 

So what happened? I was there peeps from the beginning watching the running commentary in the GA's and it was obvious that things were crumbling before they even got started. Within days the movement polarized into two camps. One that wanted peaceful protest and one that wanted violent confrontation. The facilitators lacked sufficient experience or direction to hold the two polarized groups together. And after about three weeks on constant police pressure one fateful night the movement fractured. I was there peeps... half the movement got up in disgust and in the middle of GA walked out. They were the half that advocated violence and open confrontation with the police- many went with them... Those that were left who preached peaceful non-violent protest were badgered with resolution after resolution to give up the fight and retreat to the community college campus- they finally gave in and it was over in Seattle. Those that advocated violence and aggressive confrontation with the police got themselves arrested on purpose for publicity and some found their ways to Portland to start a new camp... In GA these same facilitators started to openly recruit volunteers whose purpose was to confront the police, to do violent things to get media attention and to put themselves to be arrested. I stood by and watched as the movement deteriorated quickly... And that led to the only outcome possible... forcible eviction from Portland. The Occupy Movement in my opinion is fatally flawed and the media is directly responsible for overstating and hyping their activities for commercial purposes... here are the youth voting stats in America and I hope they illustrate the misguided apathy of our youth involved with this movement:
Voters ages 18-29 were 21% of the electorate (41.9 million) in 2006, but comprised only 9% of Voters in Midterm Elections in 2008 [source: CBS]...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vote NO on I-1125 - We can't afford more traffic and fewer jobs

Tomorrow is Election 2011 and a very critical initiative is on the ballot which will affect the communities in the Puget Sound/ Seattle, Washington Area for decades... the idiot Eyman is again trying to stop any transportation upgrades for Seattle... he's pushin' I1125 which effectively stops the I520 rebuild and KILLS Light Rail to the Eastside!!! >>> Vote NO on I1125 <<<... let the tolls go ahead to fund the critical highway & rail projects that will fix the horrid traffic problems we face here... 

Be careful peeps on how this Initiative is written. Eyman is very clever to word it in such a way as the average Joe will think he;s voting for something good- like capping tolls... there is a play in words there... It will KILL all road projects... pls read it carefully and study the Initiative online before you vote... know what the real play is here folks... he's a rouge! think about this next time you're stuck in traffic for hours... :(   VOTE NO I1125...

‎"Thumbs Down
Vote NO on I-1125 - We can't afford more traffic and fewer jobs

Tim Eyman is back with another dangerous initiative that would halt major transportation projects across the state and eliminate thousands of jobs just when we need them most.

No I-1125 -1125 would block funding that is critical for hundreds of construction projects, including the 520 bridge, the Columbia River Crossing, and State Routes 167 and 509. Eyman's I-1125 also threatens critical transit projects, including voter-approved light rail to East King County. This initiative would make it nearly impossible for Washington to sell toll-backed bonds, which are a critical part of the funding for transportation projects across the state.

Nearly all the campaign funding for I-1125 has come from one wealthy developer, Kemper Freeman. Freeman has dumped more than $1 million into I-1125 as a last-ditch effort to stop light rail.

More traffic and fewer jobs is not what Washington families are looking for. Vote NO on Initiative 1125.

Opposed by: League of Women Voters, Washington Environmental Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, SEIU WA State Council, Washington Conservation Voters, Cascade Bicycle Club, Sierra Club, OneAmerica Votes, Fuse Washington, The Stranger, Washington State Democrats, various Democratic district organizations, Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Joint Council of Teamsters Local 28, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired Americans, Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans, Cascade Land Conservancy, Futurewise, and many others.
" ~ Progressive Voters Guide 2011

Occupy This... thoughts on the Occupy Seattle movement

I do want to say one thing... the reality of the said Occupy movement is overstated by the media... although I acknowledge the plight of the common man in these hard times and even sympathize with the concept that change is necessary, I believe that the "Occupy Movement" is fundamentally flawed and misguided. It will never gather any fruits of success because it ignores the basic tenant of American democracy: The vote! The US Constitution says it best... "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."... and Article I Section 1 says: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."... Involvement IN the system is the best way to guarantee effective and meaningful change! I've been there peeps- as an observer at the Occupy Seattle meetings almost every evening for three weeks now until they gave up occupying Westlake Park and moved to the local Community College- and I'm here to tell you that they are in essence a very small group (about 15-40 depending on the day) of students, social outcasts, vagrants, street people, one or two young moms with younger kids, and a couple of professional types... not "We the People" by a long shot- very few of whom you would bring home to your Mother... The core facilitator group seem to be about seven. There are a lot of onlookers or iterate thrill-seekers like me who may swell their numbers another 20 or so. That there is the reality! The rest is media-hype... They have now it seems two or three that manage 2 websites to generate the buzz... and one old guy who openly organizes members- with everyone's blessings- to aggressively confront the police with physical force and other acts to gain media attention... oh yes they now have a Lawyer, a bank account and an Accountant both of who give daily reports... you see the irony here? And where is this going?... OMG ok I got into a short discussion with two rather attractive 20-something Occupy protesters Friday about what they see as the final result if anything they hope to gain from their efforts there? They had no coherent answer. All they could agree on is that "globalization is destroying their lives and that they have to fight right now to bring down the government"... Ok? I asked what do you want to replace it? And of course they had no idea... I asked if they were registered voters and if they voted in the last election? And both said NO!... THAT THERE IS THE FUNDAMENTAL FLAW with the movement peeps! They do NOT in actuality represent the disenfranchised! They are NOT "We the People". They represent the apathetic youth who refuse to involve themselves in our democratic process "in Order to form a more perfect Union"... and they do NOT understand that citizenship in the greater community has responsibilities... Totally lame peeps... the reality is that if change is going to occur it has to come from within the process... otherwise they're just kids throwing a tantrum... they become just the t-shirt of the day...