A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that, "Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.
~ King Baldwin IV [Kingdom of Heaven (2005)]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Death is the road to awe

The Fountain | "Death is the road to awe", Clinton Darryl "Clint" Mansell, Nonesuch Records (2006). Mansell's composition for The Fountain was nominated for Best Original Score at the 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards. This is my most fav instrumentals of all times...

Genesis 3:24 (NIV)

24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Quote from The Fountain (2006):
Izzi: This is an actual Mayan book. It explains the Creation myth. You see that's first father. He's the very first human.
Tom Creo
: Hum. Is he dead?
: He sacrificed himself to make the world.
: That's the tree of life bursting out of his stomach.
Tom Creo
: Hey come.
: Listen. His body became the trees' roots. They spread and formed the earth. His soul became the branches rising up forming the sky. All the remained is first father's head. His children hung in in the heavens creating Xibalba.
Tom Creo
: Xibalba. The star, eh,
[corrects himself]
Tom Creo
: nebula
: So what do you think?
: About?
: That idea. Death as an act of creation.

"The Fountain's theme of fear of death is "a movement from darkness into light, from black to white" that traces the journey of a man scared of death and moving toward it. The film begins with a paraphrase of Genesis 3:24, the Biblical passage that reflects the The Fall of Man. Hugh Jackman emphasized the importance of the Fall in the film: "The moment Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, humans started to experience life as we all experience it now, which is life and death, poor and wealthy, pain and pleasure, good and evil. We live in a world of duality. Husband, wife, we relate everything. And much of our lives are spent not wanting to die, be poor, experience pain. It's what the movie's about." Aronofsky also interpreted the story of Genesis as the definition of mortality for humanity. He inquired of the Fall, "If they had drank from the Tree of Life [instead of the Tree of Knowledge] what would have separated them from their maker? So what makes us human is actually death. It's what makes us special." [wikipedia]"

The Cross is represented as the Tree of Life

Genesis 3:1-24 describes Adam & Eve's utilizing free will to disobey God and choose to partake from the Tree of Knowledge which resulted in self awareness. This new awareness separated them spiritually from God and caused a spiritual death. Since they could no longer walk with God as equals they were banished from the Garden to experience mortality or physical death thereby becoming human. Lastly God barred their way back to the Garden physically separating them from potentially also partaking from the Tree of Life. If the Tree of Life represents the way back to God or more definitively Jesus and his Church, then one could surmise that only through death and rebirth can we truly gain eternal life... But here's the rub- Adam & Eve in the garden choose Knowledge over Life. Humanity was purposefully lost from salvation until the tree- the word of God- became flesh again. Humanity which turned their back from the Tree of Life in the Garden has to face that original choice once again... We were set free on the road to set our own path without divine determination. And in choosing correctly this time will gain salvation and walk once more with God. But to do so we must exercise free choice and turn away from ourselves- from our natural instincts- towards something more...

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